
Colossus is a 10x10 board Chess variant in which each player starts off with 10 pawns, 4 knights, 4 bishops, 4 rooks, 1 queen and 1 king.

The two armies are as close to each other as in traditional chess making early tactical attacks just as or even more likely.


Other than Flexible Castling and faster pawn movement, the game rules are as in orthodox chess.

Pawn Movement:
The pawn's move is modified slightly to make it stronger and faster.
The pawn can move 1 or 2 spaces forward anytime.
A pawn can capture en-passant an enemy pawn that made a double space move to bypass it.

The game utilizes flexible castling, which enables the king and rook to choose from 7 castling positions. The king and rook must be adjacent to each other after castling and the king cannot be in check or pass over attacked squares during castling.

Castling can be done by moving the king 1-3 (or 4 on Q-side) spaces towards the rook and moving the rook over and next to it.
The most extreme wing castling occurs with the king moving 3 spaces (or 4 spaces on q-side) to the rook's square while the rook moves 1 space towards the king.
Conversely the most centralized rook castling involves the king moving just 1 space words the rook and the rook filling the king's square.

The choice of castling positions depends on whether a centralized rook or a king tucked away at the wing is more desired.

Note that while there are more castling options in this game, there are also more opportunities to not castle at all! Depending on you or your opponent's plans you might simply choose to move your king to the back rank!

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