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The board is set up as follows for the white side (black side will mirror this):
Super Loony Rook on a1 Insane Ninja Knight on b1 Bishop on c1 Mad Leaping Bishop on d1 Mad Queen on e1 King on f1 Mad Leaping Bishop on g1 Bishop on h1 Insane Ninja Knight on i1 Super Loony Rook on j1 10 pawns from a2 to j2. Note that the lower right square is white, and that kings occupy the same color square. |
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Moveset 1: The knight moves and captures like a knight exactly as in standard chess capturing once only on the landing square.
(uncolored squares c2,e2,f3,f5,e6,c6,b5,b3).
Moveset 2: The ninja can move like a non-royal king: orthagonally (sideways, up or down) and diagonally 1 step. Moving and capturing on landing square. (yellow colored squares all controlled by black knight) Moveset 3: The ninja can leap two squares orthagonally (sideways, up or down) and diagonally, capturing the enemy piece on the landing square. It jumps over a friendly piece. (all blue squares are controlled by black knight) |
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It can leap over friendly/enemy pieces when performing the leaping move. It only captures once on the square it lands. If moving like a bishop it cannot leap. The leaping move is 3 steps orthoganally and 1 step perpendicular (3,1) as opposed to the knight move (2,1). Bishops in Asylum Chess move exactly as in normal chess. The bishop shown in diagram is a Mad Leaping Bishop not a regular bishop. |
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Say the Super Loony Rook is at b3 (see diagram) and an enemy piece on b5 and b7. This powerful rook can capture pawn on b5 like a normal rook, or fire through the pawn on b5, and land on empty square b6 if desired, or capture (for 2nd time) at b7.
Note that the rook is threatening all the pieces shown, pinning the pawn at e3 and giving check at g3, so it is Black's turn to play. The black king must move to get out of the check or the bishop can interpose at f3. If black interposes with bishop (rook cannot fire through more than 2 pieces), white can capture the pawn at e3 and give check through the bishop! Note that in this case, it can also capture both pawn at e3 and interposing bishop giving check, but then the king can capture the rook. Alternatively, if black moves the king, then the rook can capture both pieces on b5 and b7, so the Bishop move to f3 seems best. |
Friendly Fire Variant
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The friendly fire variant is even more intriguing (though its effect has not being studied). It is advisable to play this variant only
after considerable practice playing Asylum chess using the normal move of the super loony rook (described above). The rook moves as described above but now it can also fire through its own piece (sacrificing it, not jumping over it) to reach an opponent. In the diagram, the rook is giving check through its own piece! Note that white has NOT fired through the pawn yet, but is threatening to do so, hence the check. The black king must move to get out of check. It is possible to fire though one's own piece to reach an empty square, but that would be rare in practical use. Also, a rook can fire through 2 of its own pieces, perhaps to force stalemate for example. In the diagram, after the black king moves, the rook can fire through its own pieces to get to f3. However, this does not seem practical. |
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IN this diagram, black has just promoted his pawn, but the white rook can capture the black queen by firing through the white bishop (sacrificing it). However, the white rook after capturing the black queen CANNOT give check to the black king because it has to fire through its own king to do so. |
Contrived, but good for demonstration purposes |
One warm sunny day, the author got lost in the woods. After numerous attempts at finding his way, he stumbled upon a dilapidated building with an unkempt yard. In the middle, two strange looking fellows were playing chess. One fellow let out a scream, and banged his rook upon the board. The other player began to cry. He had apparently lost the game. The player who screamed then captured two of his opponent's pieces (in one move!) picked them up and flung them at the crying player. The author was shocked, not just at the strange behavior of these odd looking men, but of the fact that the two were not playing normal chess, but some strange variant of it.
As some burly guys dressed in white took the loser away, the author asked the winner to explain the rules of this strange new game.
The winner complied, and described it in vivid detail, albeit with many bizarre explanations.
For example, he described the knight's new moves as follows: "The insane ninja knight jumps over the enemy piece, kicking and decapitating it, before finishing its jump and dealing another deathblow to the second enemy piece."
Or he described stalemate as follows: "The objective is to kill the opponent's king by cutting off his head, and using it as a trophy. If the enemy king takes his own life by setting himself on fire, his head cannot be used as a trophy, so it is a draw."
The stalemate rule is actually the same as in normal chess, except that the inmates enjoy this more picturesque version of the rules.
Stranger still, he confided in the author that he was a former chess Grandmaster, and that he would surely become the world champion if this were the game of choice. After concluding his pleasant conversation, the author got back home to transcribe the rules.
He returned the next day, realizing he had forgotten to ask the grandmaster for his name. Unfortunately, he found nothing but an abandoned building with an iron gate. Not a soul was in sight, except for a rusty iron gate with the words 'ASYLUM' inscribed in the metal. The rest of the inscription was illegible.
So with a heavy heart, the author has taken responsibility as the inventor of this game. If however, the grandmaster returns and claims his invention, the author would gladly oblige. For now the world must wait until Asylum Chess becomes popular enough for the forgotten Grandmaster to leave the asylum and challenge the current world champion.
By supplementing the knight's powers, the entire power struggle in chess has shifted. No longer can knights maneuver around pawns and risk being captured by say a rook. On the other hand, the insane knight if deployed safely in the center can control up to 24 squares around it! Even though the loony rook is more powerful than a rook, it cannot deliver mate unaided like the insane knight can! So, unless subsequent play and testing reveal otherwise, the insane knight is more powerful than the loony rook or the mad bishop.
Considerable testing of this game will reveal quite a lot (even if the game is flawed, which the author doubts). For one, a 10X10 board is more fun, and powerful sliding pieces work very well together. In fact, asylum chess is really mad bishop chess, because the 4 bishops working together are immensely powerful. The two bishops with the special leaping powers can pose a serious threat to the opposing insane knights.
Even the weak bishops can be used to harass centrally placed knights and to control very important diagonals. While the bishop cannot pin the knight at close range without protection (since the knight can capture the bishop 1 diagonal away), a pin effectively means winning the exchange!
In asylum chess, being a knight up IS A WIN quite obviously. So there is quite possibly a much smaller chance for a draw. Yet, the author cannot make any claim for the superiority of this game. Perhaps, the unusual checking ability of the loony rook through the enemy piece is too much of a departure from regular chess. Perhaps, the rook's peculiar power does not quite work in practice for some. The author believes that the new power of the rook introduces new strategic and tactical possibilities, the sum of which greatly enhances the player experience.
Does this new material balance enhance or detract from the game of chess?
Are the pieces too powerful making the game too fast and possibly giving white a greater advantage ? A considerable amount of play is required to answer this.
The author is certain the opposite is not true. Any concerns implying that the game is slow or the pieces too weak can be discarded.
Can play fizzle out too quickly with the powerful pieces getting exchanged very quickly? - It is harder to exchange pieces in this game (though extensive play might prove otherwise ). In regular chess, it is very easy to quickly exchange bishops for knights, and then get down to pawns very quickly. In this game bishops cannot be exchanged for knights (the knights are clearly more powerful). So to rapidly fizzle down, the knights, bishops, rooks have to be exchanged for their own kind.
The author sincerely hopes that readers can try it out themselves and see the full range of possibilities that this new game offers.
If you would like to email the chess variant inventor directly: inventor@chess.computerwebservices.net
Posted by: naowee on 2020-06-27 22:12:41 Like Chess: YES Its sooooo cool Posted by: oren on 2007-10-01 22:32:15 This game just looks crazy! Posted by: Karpov on 2007-09-14 18:35:31 Like Chess: YES There you go! I just accepted your challenge. Lets start the game now. Posted by: Sold! on 2007-09-05 13:20:20 Like Chess: YES
Ok! I am sending out a challenge .. anyone want to play the game at chessvariants.org? I just finished a great game and lookiing for more opponents! |